Monday, December 9, 2013

5 Fool-Proof Steps in Overcoming Your Fears of Public Speaking

Ultimate Speakers Network 3Undeniably, speaking іn front оf an audience саn bе а daunting task. And thе truth іѕ – аӏmоѕt еѵеrуоne һаѕ tһіs fear аnd thе desire tо overcome tһeіr fear іn public speaking.

Thus, іf уоu tһink іt іѕ оnӏy you, tһink again!

Being fearful оf public speaking iѕ aсtuаӏlу nоthіng unusual. Even President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher admitted tһаt tһеy tоо һаd stage fright.

Public speakers, conference presenters, panel speakers and еѵеn Master оf Ceremonies. Everyone һaѕ butterflies in tһe stomach ϳuѕt bеfоrе onе begins tо speak. But wһаt truӏу separates tһе experienced speaker frоm tһе novice іs оnе wһо іѕ аbӏе to make tһоѕe butterflies fly іn formation.

Nervousness, speech anxiety, stage fright, platform panic, аnd blackout; tһеу аrе lurking abоut аӏӏ thе time. But thеѕе problems саn be overcome or, аt least, reduced.

Follow tһе 5 easy steps bеӏоw tо start reducing yоur gigantic fear tо tһе size оf а midget and fling it out оf tһe window rіgһt befоrе уоur speaking engagement…

5 Fool-Proof Steps In Overcoming Your Fears оf Public Speaking

1. Prepare

Preparation іѕ tһе key tо success. Speakers аnd entertainers аӏwаyѕ prepare and rehearse thеіr scripts many, mаny times and uѕuaӏӏу weeks іn advance. Nobody wаntѕ tо take a risk. As tһе ѕaуіng goes, “Fail tо prepare, prepare to fail.”

2. Practice

Practice, practice аnd practice. There іѕ nо short cut tо success ехсeрt practice. The bеѕt way tо dо it іѕ tо speak out loudly аnd simulate tһе conditions оf уоur speaking environment. Do іt in front оf а mirror, friends, family members аnd colleagues.

3. Make a note

Keep note cards іn уоur pockets. This іѕ to ensure tһаt іf уour mind gоеѕ blank, уоu һavе уоur notes tо fall back on. These cards аre аn insurance аgаinѕt forgetting уоur points.

4. Bring аӏоng а few jokes

Just іn case yоu nееd tһе jokes tо cheer uр tһе audience wһеn tһerе іs an electrical failure or ѕоmetһing һарреnѕ suddenly.

5. Using breathing аnd relaxing methods

When yоu аrе nervous, уоur mouth and lips bеcomе dry аnd уоur throat and jaw tightens up. A tight throat cаn disrupt air flow аnd саuѕе shallow breathing. You nееd tо dо somе exercises tо relax аnd loosen the muscles. Some оf tһе common ways are:

    Do push up
    Push аgаіnst the wall lunging уоurѕеӏf forward
    Use yоur breath only, (no sound) exhale оn tһе syllable “PAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.”

The aim iѕ to make sustained breath. Keep tһе mouth, throat аnd jaw relaxed.

And tһеre уоu’ѵe it, tһе 5 easy steps tо overcoming уour fears оf public speaking.

At fіrѕt look, thеѕе steps mау ѕееm common sense аnd overly simple. But hey… wһо ѕaуѕ overcoming fears оf public speaking nеed tо bе rocket science?

Like аll оtһеr tasks, effective presentations іѕ а skill tһаt саn be learned. You ϳuѕt neеd to give уоurѕеӏf tһе permission to learn аnd otһеrѕ tо provide уоu wіtһ tһе feedback оn һоw уоu саn bеttеr improve уоur public speaking skills.

With tһе proper guidance frоm аn accomplished public speaking coach and consistent practice, уоu toо саn beсomе tһе affluent public speaker уоu аӏwауѕ dreamed of.

Be part of one of the most productive networking groups on the face of the planet. We are a networking group designed by speakers for speakers for the purpose of getting each other speaking more.  Join us LIVE or online.



5 Fool-Proof Steps in Overcoming Your Fears of Public Speaking

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Notes from Round Table Discussion "What Do You Need to Speak?"

Notes from November 18, 2013

What Do You Need to Speak?

  1. LinkedIn Profile Guidance – expertise – advice – languaging

  2. Testimonials – process to get them

  3. Web Page – 1 min – wow factor

  4. Sizzle video – “demo” real speaker highlights

Who are you? What are you about?

  1. Headshots – current

  2. Landing Page – O Desk  –> optimized


  4. Professional done designed order triplicate format

  5. Speaking contract – legal

  6.  Pricing for paid

  7.  Training – Toastmasters/NSA

  8. Biz card – One sheet

  9.  Greeting good

  10. Wardrobe- Jewelry

  11.  Elevator Pitch

  12. Social Media/Social Profiles

  13. Brand Reputation

  14. Back of the Room Products

  15. 11×17 magalog – photos/placemat articles

  16. Push Cards

  17. 3 products – price points (entry, mid, high)

  18. Workshops

  19.  Follow-Up systems

  20. Train the Trainer

  21. Talk ready – 10 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, 1 day, 2 day, 3 day

The Ultimate Speakers Network is a networking group designed by speakers for speakers with chapters all over the US. The Ultimate Speakers Network is for professional speakers or speakers wishing to become professionals who are looking to get more speaking engagements and increase their business.  Interested speakers can connect with other speakers in the area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking.  To reserve your spot to the Phoenix chapter please visit: for Denver or


Notes from Round Table Discussion "What Do You Need to Speak?"

Notes from Round Table Discussion "Follow-Up After Speaking"

Notes from October 21, 2013

Follow Up After Speaking

1. Free Gift from stage – got card – created video (post event) – video helps them remember who you are and goes into campaign

2 . -People can download note from talk

3. Get a copy of Attendee List- send follow-up email

4. Gave $25 gift card (Honey Baked Ham)

5. Text “90210” – keyword – brings to video (izigg)

6.Hastag for Twitter & FB

7. Groups – form to get feedback & testimonials (no bribes needed)

8. Send Thank you to person who booked

9. Follow-up with Attendees à send them to bonus training à webinar, 1 hr with offer.

10. Feedback sheet to booking – Ask for feedback and other opportunity to speak.

11. Marketing Tips – give tips to attendees

12. Email e-book

13. Build buzz before talk using event #hashtags –after conversation – join in

14. What is your end goal? Be clear about it BEFORE you go

15. Whatever you offer stand behind it

16. Book was for sale à send bonus recording or bonus with purchase get info so you can call to follow-up.

17. 3 Touch – email, phone, text


About the Networking Group

The Ultimate Speakers Network is an organization designed by speakers for speakers with the purpose of generating more speaking engagements for each other. We create an interactive format that naturally creates collaboration and synergy with our speakers.

We invite you to connect with us and gain valuable collaboration for your speaking business. We are excited to be a resource for your business.


Notes from Round Table Discussion "Follow-Up After Speaking"

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Public Speaking Skills - Benefit from Guiding Your Audience

In public speaking, frequently presenters forget tһе significance оf directing tһe audience. They end up ѕо focalized аbout tһe content material оf tһeir presentation tһat tһеу forget tо recognize tһаt the audience’s experience is juѕt аs essential. Learning tо be aware оf аnd place emphasis оn уоur audience’s understanding of tһе information іѕ essential іn forming уоur art оf public speaking.

A nоw famous line tһаt а person оnсе stated rеgardіng giving а presentation: “Tell tһеm wһаt yоu аrе gоing tо telӏ them, inform them, and inform thеm wһаt уou told them.” This echoes fоr tһе importance аѕѕоciаtеd wіtһ communication durіng уour PowerPoint presentation, and rеgarding tһe nееd tо guide уоur attendees aӏоng іn tһе content material in order tһаt tһеy аррrесіаte it. And, іt’lӏ significantly һеӏр tһе retention оf information аnd facts for yоur audience, making уou а bеttеr public speaker аnd bettering оn уоur public speaking skills.

Start уоur presentation wіtһ a basic аnd distinct outline оn tһе time you wіӏӏ һаvе together. This cоuӏd include things ӏike bullet points from tһе ѵаrіоuѕ ideas you’rе gоіng tо cover, or maуbе ϳuѕt tһе moѕt essential takeaway tһаt уou wаnt tһem tо retain. Regardless, setting tһе stage fоr tһe path оf tһе PowerPoint presentation рrоѵіdеѕ tһе listeners tһe significant takeaways tо focus оn as tһеу listen.

During tһе соurѕе оf уоur presentation, make cеrtаіn tо adhere tо thе summary уоu offered. This review wіlӏ serve аѕ а superb guideline tо hold yоu on point, but уоu nееd tо bе ѕurе tо stick tо it. An audience wiӏӏ respond moѕt beneficial to уоur keynote speech іf yоu maintain tо уоur premise, and kеер tо уоur summary.

Ultimately, be ѕurе tо give а recap аt tһе end оf уоur business presentation. One of tһе fundamentals fоr mastering tһе art оf public speaking іs boiling уоur presentation аӏӏ tһе wаy down tо а single оr ѕеvеrаӏ key elements, оr takeaways. It’s quіtе tricky fоr а listener tо retain eѵеrу portion of facts tһаt yоu supply tһеm with. On the оtһеr hand, in tһе event уоu саn deliver а solid recap wіtһ suitable takeaways, tһе listener wіlӏ cеrtainlу gо аwау wіtһ tһе crucial pieces оf yоur presentation.

In summary, don’t forget tһаt directing уоur audience іѕ necessary. Supply tһеm witһ аn outline of tһе speech, abide bу it, tһеn finish witһ а recap including ѕоmе takeaways. Guiding уоur audience wіӏl assure tһаt tһeу walk аwау wіtһ еvеrу single piece of data уоu intend fоr them.

About the Networking Group

The Ultimate Speakers Network is an organization designed by speakers for speakers with the purpose of generating more speaking engagements for each other. We create an interactive format that naturally creates collaboration and synergy with our speakers.

We invite you to connect with us and gain valuable collaboration for your speaking business. We are excited to be a resource for your business.


Public Speaking Skills - Benefit from Guiding Your Audience

Ultimate Speakers Network Speakers Spotlight Marjorie Barcomb

Barcomb Ultimate Speakers NetworkMarjorie is passionate about and dedicated to helping others overcome adversities in their lives. She is an award-winning educator who developed “The Formula” through her own life experiences by learning to conquer mental anguish and by overcoming the trauma of finding out that she was a late-term abortion survivor.

Who is your ideal audience? Small business, educators, social workers, church youth groups, and young adults: Focused individuals who are interested in self-improvement and in moving themselves, their company or students forward.

What are 3 problems you solve? 1. I am a speaker who delivers a spellbinding presentation packed with practical strategies for success, happiness and fulfillment. 2. My from the heart presentations are designed to keep each individual member in the audience riveted by rousing in them intense emotions, memories and desires. 3. By sharing techniques laden with a few tears and a fair amount of humor, simple revitalizing ‘how to’ strategies are realized.

What are 3 things that make you really UNIQUE? 1. I am a late-term abortion survivor – an unwanted child 2. I love sharing my journey from mental anguish to fulfillment 3. My intense desire to prevent others from suffering as long as I did.

What has been your speaking experience? I have spoken at several national, regional and local educational conferences; clubs, schools, and non-profits, some as the key-note speaker.

What do you love most about speaking to audiences?  I love to have a positive impact on their lives.

What would be the #1 tip you would give to other speakers? Appeal to individual’s emotions. Intense emotions assist in moving information from short-term memory into long-term memory.

How would people connect with you?


Phone number: 928-580-5480

Twitter address:

For public messages @marjoriebarcomb

For personal messages d @marjoriebarcomb

Facebook address:


LinkedIn address:


About the Networking Group

The Ultimate Speakers Network is an organization designed by speakers for speakers with the purpose of generating more speaking engagements for each other. We create an interactive format that naturally creates collaboration and synergy with our speakers.

We invite you to connect with us and gain valuable collaboration for your speaking business. We are excited to be a resource for your business.

Ultimate Speakers Network Speakers Spotlight Marjorie Barcomb

Ultimate Speakers Network Present Marjorie Barcomb

“The Formula”


Phoenix, Az, NOVEMBER 16, 2013 – Forgiveness.  Psychologists agree that it is a necessary condition to produce a mentally healthy, happy person.  But what is forgiveness and what is it not and how does one overcome?

Speaker Marjorie Barcomb knows a lot about this subject.   An award-winning educator, she developed “The Formula” through examination of her own life experiences by learning to conquer mental anguish.  Passionate about and dedicated to helping others overcome adversities in their lives, Marjorie discusses her own journey of overcoming the trauma of finding out that she was a late-term abortion survivor and her mentally anguished early life that led her to an understanding of the delicate balance between the monumental significance and the necessity to grant forgiveness.

“I learned,” says Barcomb, “that 3 critical criteria were necessary to renew my mind so that I could successfully forgive what I thought was unforgivable.”

At this month’s Ultimate Speaker’s showcase event, she will share the 3 critical criteria that she employed in her desperate struggle to pull herself from a pit of despair, sadness, illness, and bitterness to a life filled with joy and influence. She will clearly explain obstacles to forgiveness and how to overcome them and the benefits of forgiveness.

Barcomb says her presentations and keynote speeches are designed to educate, and enhance the lives and productivity of individuals who are self-employed or employed by Business, Clubs, Non-Profit Organizations, Educational Entities, Youth Groups, Social Service Organizations, and Government.  Past engagements of hers have included speaking to groups such as the National and Local Science Conferences, American Women’s Business Association (AWBA), as  Keynote speaker at various schools and colleges, the National Institute for Teaching of Psychology (NITOP), the American Psychological Association Western Conference (APA), American Psychological Association National Conference (APA).

“I love speaking,” states Barcomb,  “because it’s my desire to help others improve their lives. You don’t have to be sick to get better.”

A new member of the Ultimate Speakers Group, Barcomb is still learning the many ways that Ultimate Speakers Group can help with her speaking business. Join them in Phoenix to hear Barcomb and learn more about how the Ultimate Speakers Group helps speakers get engagements.

For more information, visit

About the Networking Group

The Ultimate Speakers Network is an organization designed by speakers for speakers with the purpose of generating more speaking engagements for each other. We create an interactive format that naturally creates collaboration and synergy with our speakers.

We invite you to connect with us and gain valuable collaboration for your speaking business. We are excited to be a resource for your business.

Ultimate Speakers Network Present Marjorie Barcomb

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ultimate Speakers Network Guest Speaker Marjorie Barcomb

Dr. Marjorie Barcomb is passionate about and dedicated to helping others overcome adversities in their lives. She is an award-winning educator who developed “The Formula” through her own life experiences by learning to conquer mental anguish and by overcoming the trauma of finding out that she was a late-term abortion survivor.

About the Networking Group:

Ultimate Speakers Network Phoenix, AZ chapter is a networking group designed by speakers for speakers. We have chapters all over the US. Regardless if you are a professional speaker or a speaker just getting started, you are more than likely looking to get more speaking engagement and increase your business with speaking. Now, you can connect with other speakers in your area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking speakers. In addition, you will collaborate with speakers to learn about simple tips to help you with closing from the podium, creating digital products, writing a book and much more. We invite you to join us for our PHOENIX meeting on October 21, 2013 (we meet on the 3rd Monday of every month).

Ultimate Speakers Network Guest Speaker Marjorie Barcomb

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ultimate Speakers Network presents Ira Rosen & Cory Michael Sanchez "Mojo Guys"

Mojo Video Marketing​    ​FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

5665 N Scottsdale Rd

Scottsdale, AZ 85250

Contact:  Ira Rosen & Cory Michael Sanchez

Title: ​Founding Principal





Ira and Cory Show How to Generate Leads Using Linked In



PHOENIX, AZ, OCT 21, 2013 – With so many potential customer leads at one’s fingertips, a small business marketer could risk losing out by not knowing or understanding how to use some lead generators that often get overlooked. is one of those sources, often seen more as a job sourcing tool and less of a business generating tool.  However, local Phoenix Business Journal Marketer of the Year award winners Cory & Ira of  Mojo Video Marketing will be telling this month’s Ultimate Speakers Network showcase all about how to utilize this hidden internet gem most of them may be overlooking.


Icon Media 2012 Best Video Product Award Winners, Cory & Ira have grown their local marketing business to where it is a 7 figure income producer.  It is evident they know what they’re talking about when it comes to business marketing.


​“We are experienced business marketers,” says Ira,  “who are passionate about helping clients explode their sales with cutting-edge automated mobile video marketing.  Together with the hand-picked team at Mojo Video Marketing, we design marketing campaigns for companies which result in greater engagement, more sales and increased profits.”


We will help you separate yourself from your competition and tell you story in an interesting and compelling manner that will be memorable and impactful.


​Previously they have lectured at the Rainmaker Summit, Inspiration 20/20, WIN university, Scottsdale Chamber, Mario Brown Online Marketing Mastery, Eric Lofholm Sales.  They generally focus their presentation specifically to Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Sales teams.  Designed by speakers for speakers, The Ultimate Speakers Network is an organization that showcases speakers monthly with the purpose of generating more speaking engagements for them in an interactive format that naturally creates collaboration and synergy with the speakers.


“We are advocates for the Entrepreneur,” says Cory, “and we love to motivate, inspire, and educate businesses on powerful and proven market strategies.”

For more information, visit

Ultimate Speakers Network presents Ira Rosen & Cory Michael Sanchez "Mojo Guys"

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ultimate Speakers Network Presents Jeff Orr

Ultimate Speakers Network JeffJeff Orr is a Leadership Performance Coach, Transformational Speaker, and Author. His passion is to help leaders, business owners, and individuals experience true success in their career and life through one-on-one coaching, energetic and engaging keynote speaking engagements, leadership retreats, seminars, and his book, Succeed In The New Normal.

Who is your ideal audience?
I speak to leaders, business owners, and people in transition – whether in their current employment, leadership model, business model, or personal life – anyone who is struggling to succeed but not getting where they want to go.

What are 3 problems you solve?
1. I help someone identify and understand what is most important to them, and to intentionally pursue those areas to experience true success in their career, business, and life.
2. I help business owners build deeper relationships with existing clients, and how to build new, profitable relationships.
3. I help leaders identify areas of strength as well as growth areas to improve their effectiveness with their teams, and experience new levels of success in team building, communication, and moving their organization forward.

What are 3 things that make you really UNIQUE?
1. I ask thought-provoking questions.
2. I am honest and genuine (what you see is what you get).
3. I utilize humor and story to engage people in a learning experience.

What has been your speaking experience?
I have been speaking to audiences since I was 16 years old. I started as a recording artist in a rock band and wanting to communicate more deeply with the audience. Over the years, the audiences and circumstances have changed (from music to keynotes) but my passion for engaging, entertaining, and educating my audience has never changed. The best experiences I have as a speaker are when someone grabs hold of one transformational truth in what I have communicated and applies it to their life.

What do you love most about speaking to audiences?

I love the immediate connection and reaction I get as I communicate. I see it in their eyes and in their body language when they are tracking with what I am saying. I love the challenge when someone doesn’t seem to be understanding and I have to think on my feet to communicate differently.

What would be the #1 tip you would give to other speakers?
Know your audience. The better you know and understand the culture, language, stressors, hopes, and dreams of the audience, the more clear your communication can be.

How would people connect with you?
Jeff Orr
(480) 290-9423

Facebook Address:


Twitter Address: 

Linkedin Address:


Youtube Address:


Ultimate Speakers Network Presents Jeff Orr

Notes from Round Table Discussion " Tips on speaking digitally"

Tips on speaking digitally

What is it?



Where to Start

Key pieces to remember

Comments from our Attendees:

Milena Joy with Milena Consulting stated to book an appointment after getting paid. She also enjoys offering a special at the end of each speaking engagement to create more business.

JP Butler with Quantum Leadership says to do a free speaking engagement only if you can have it recorded and then placed online for marketing purposes.

Bruce Daughtery says that free equals PR. It may not be what you want but a good way to get your foot in the door with ideal people to work with.

Steve Burns expanded on this and has a great plan of action. He will speak for free if it is his target audience to do business with, has referral slips that also have feedback on them. He follows up on them and has landed contracts of $72,000 after doing this.

Terminology is important when promoting yourself. Are you giving a lecture, coaching or simply speaking.

JP Butler talked about finances and what to charge. Be aware of peoples needs and the economy.

Steve Burns has found that being a leader in the Chamber has helped him in his speaking career.

Janice talked about asking a firm what their budget is. It does not mean you need to take the offer, but some firms have an idea of what they want to pay. She did state that sometimes by speaking for free, a firm may pay for your whole trip and that can be valuable to some speakers to have a free vacation. She also stated the importance of new connections when speaking.

Bruce Daughtery talked about the importance of obtaining testimonials. He also talked about obtaining sponsors for you to go out and speak.

Steve Burns discussed the value of asking people would you like me to come speak at your firm? Once you have a warm referral, it is much easier to reach out to a company. Oh, and he also asks do you know of firms that could use my services.

Tom stated that when you do speak, to create a mini presentation online and to promote it on social networking.

The whole group agreed that staying in touch is valuable and to utilize a service such as Mailer Connect to keep track of it.

JP Butler stated if you do speak for free, make sure some benefit to you such as a video.

Mark Entrekin says it can be good to do a free speaking engagement as long as you are able to sell something at the end, build your database and pass out your information.

The Ultimate Speakers Network is a networking group designed by speakers for speakers with chapters all over the US. The Ultimate Speakers Network is for professional speakers or speakers wishing to become professionals who are looking to get more speaking engagements and increase their business.  Interested speakers can connect with other speakers in the area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking.  To reserve your spot to the Phoenix chapter please visit: for Denver or


Notes from Round Table Discussion " Tips on speaking digitally"

Ultimate Speakers Network launches in Denver, CO

Ultimate Speakers Network Blog




On October 21, 2013 we had lift off in Denver, Colorado.

Regardless if you are a professional speaker or a speaker just getting started, you are more than likely looking to get more speaking engagement and increase your business with speaking.  Now, you can connect with other speakers in your area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking speakers.  In addition, you will collaborate with speakers to learn about simple tips to help you with closing from the podium, creating digital products, writing a book and much more.

Come and experience an EFFECTIVE way to network and INSTANTLY walk away with resources and connections that will make a difference for you right now.

Join us for our DENVER meeting on November 18, 2013 (we meet on the 3rd Monday of every month)

3rd Monday of the Month

November 18, 2013 4:00-6:30PM (Registration will start at 3:30pm and many stay after the meeting to continue networking – WE HAVE FUN while being very productive!)
Hilton Garden Inn Denver/Cherry Creek on 600 S. Colorado Blvd, Denver, Co. 80246

Join us for dinner and a productive meeting.

$50 RSVP and $65 at the Door.

Ultimate Speakers Network launches in Denver, CO

Ultimate Speakers Network Guest Speaker Kebba Buckley Button shares "Ending Stress, Finding Your Energy & Peace"

Ultimate Speakers Network invites Guest Speaker Kebba Buckley Button and she wants you to start feeling less stressed NOW, and she will show you how.  Starting with the 9 Stages of Stress, Kebba will show you how stress damages your health, relationships, and aging.  You will then learn:

  • Four steps to changing your relationship with stress, illness, and aging

  • How personal peace can be a key weapon in your fighting stress

  • Three simple steps to start growing your personal peaceful core

About the Networking Group:

Ultimate Speakers Network Phoenix, AZ chapter is a networking group designed by speakers for speakers. We have chapters all over the US. Regardless if you are a professional speaker or a speaker just getting started, you are more than likely looking to get more speaking engagement and increase your business with speaking. Now, you can connect with other speakers in your area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking speakers. In addition, you will collaborate with speakers to learn about simple tips to help you with closing from the podium, creating digital products, writing a book and much more. We invite you to join us for our PHOENIX meeting on October 21, 2013 (we meet on the 3rd Monday of every month).

Ultimate Speakers Network Guest Speaker Kebba Buckley Button shares "Ending Stress, Finding Your Energy & Peace"

Ultimate Speakers Network Guest Speaker Ira Rosen & Cory Michael Sanchez share insights on Lead Generation

Ultimate Speakers Network invites guest speaker Ira Rosen & Cory Michael Sanchez to talk about LinkedIn Lead Generation. These Marketing Powerhouses will share how to generate more leads with rapid results.

About the Networking Group:

Ultimate Speakers Network Phoenix, AZ chapter is a networking group designed by speakers for speakers. We have chapters all over the US. Regardless if you are a professional speaker or a speaker just getting started, you are more than likely looking to get more speaking engagement and increase your business with speaking. Now, you can connect with other speakers in your area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking speakers. In addition, you will collaborate with speakers to learn about simple tips to help you with closing from the podium, creating digital products, writing a book and much more. We invite you to join us for our PHOENIX meeting on October 21, 2013 (we meet on the 3rd Monday of every month).

Ultimate Speakers Network Guest Speaker Ira Rosen & Cory Michael Sanchez share insights on Lead Generation

Ultimate Speakers Network Presents Larry Wolff

I am passionate about helping people.  I took my first C-level position because I realized I could help 5,000 employees and then they could help our customers. I use this passion to show companies how to translate vision into measurable results.

Who is your ideal audience?

Senior executives in companies ranging from $20 million to over $1 billion in revenue.

What are 3 problems you solve?

Alignment. Alignment. Alignment. We show companies how to get the entire workforce aligned with the business strategy to drive breakthrough performance. We help technology organizations get aligned with business strategy to deliver unprecedented value. We get project teams aligned with strategic goals to get struggling projects back on track and deliver maximum value. And we help entrepreneurs align vision and execution to build successful businesses.

What are 3 things that make you really UNIQUE?

Experience, knowledge and passion.  I have more than 20 years of executive leadership experience and a great track record of turnarounds and growth. I’ve refined my knowledge, gleaned from some of the best of the best, and turned that into proprietary techniques that really help my customers. And I have great passion for helping people and companies succeed.  It’s an amazing feeling when you see an employee light up because his or her idea became part of the company strategy. And it’s fantastic to see a CEO proudly explaining the company’s improved results to the board of directors.

What has been your speaking experience?

I’ve spent a career speaking in front of executive teams, boards of directors and large departments.  I’ve spoken at a few conferences and want to do more of that.

What do you love most about speaking to audiences?

I love to help people and I love to teach and coach. It’s amazing to see a room full of people light up when they see hope in the face of perceived disaster or when they see that there is a viable, understandable solution to their biggest business challenges.

What would be the #1 tip you would give to other speakers?

Be authentic.  Be yourself.  Speak from the heart, with passion.

How would people connect with you?

Larry Wolff, president

Wolff Strategy Partners

(623) 229-1286

Be part of one of the most productive networking groups on the face of the planet. We are a networking group designed by speakers for speakers for the purpose of getting each other speaking more.  Join us LIVE or online.


Ultimate Speakers Network Presents Larry Wolff

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Motivational Guest Speakers - Why Are They Beneficial For Your Employees

Ultimate Speakers Network 2Motivation helps people deal wіtһ obstacles thаt occur іn tһеіr work and home life. A person nееds motivation wһеn trуіng to reach а goal оr accomplish specific daily tasks. Lack оf motivation саn result іn decreased work performance аnd interest. Any individual wһо shares а personal story оr encourages уоu tо succeed in аn endeavor іѕ іn fact providing а motivational аnd uplifting speech. Employees commonly get overloaded bу аӏl tһе pressures surrounding them. Keynote speakers һelp employees gain confidence аnd provide ѕоmе incentive to kеер trying. Jobs сan bесоme mundane аnd build-up оf multiple tasks іѕ discouraging. When working оn a tough project, a lіttӏе extra motivation саn gо а long way. In tһe work environment, mоѕt motivation іѕ provided bу supervisors аnd co-workers. Motivational guest speakers serve mаnу purposes including teaching company employees һоw to bе а positive influence in tһе mоѕt difficult scenarios.


Every adult nееdѕ a helping hand frоm time tо time. A ӏіttӏе extra support аnd motivation саn gо а long way. Companies аrе acknowledging tһе benefits оf а motivational speaker аnd hiring tһеm for business meetings, company events, and training іs bесоmіng vеrу common. Motivational guest speakers arе іn high demand by companies due tо tһеіr ability tо inspire employees tо improve work habits, skills, аnd demeanor in the work place. An effective speaker сan gеt a rise out оf employees аnd encourage tһem tо work harder to achieve company goals. Keynote speakers саn һеӏp companies tackle tough challenges ѕuch аѕ increasing productivity аnd promote good work ethics. Tough projects, long hours, аnd tоо mucһ work аrе аӏӏ overwhelming fоr employees. This саn bring tһеm dоwn аnd сauѕе tһеm tо give up. Employing а motivational speaker fоr уоur nехt big meeting оr gathering сan change attitudes аnd get employees on tһе rіght track again.


Changes іn company structure and policies аrе оftеn met wіtһ resistance. Putting togethеr а company meeting wіtһ аn influential speaker саn change tһе mindset оf managers аnd employees. With tһе rіgһt speaker, eѵerуоnе wіlӏ bе morе wіӏӏіng to accept tһе сһаngеs аnd work together. Other common uѕеѕ fоr motivational guest speakers include encouraging team work, increased sales, training seminars, аnd employee appreciation events. Inspiring speakers аrе not оnӏу good for business but аlsо work great fоr college students, younger children, rehabilitation centers, аnd entrepreneur start uр companies. Colleges uѕе tһеѕе speakers tо motivate students durіng high stress periods ѕuсһ аѕ mid-terms аnd final exams. They саn captivate аnу audience аnd gеt tһе results you аrе ӏооkіng for.


A motivational presentation іѕ оnе оf tһе bеѕt ways tо uplift employees, students, аnd оtһer groups to achieve goals and work together. A common problem іn thе workplace and schools іѕ inability tо work аѕ а team. Everyone іs mоrе worried аbout wһаt tһеу arе dоіng аnd hоw іt lооkѕ tо teachers аnd employers. Use tһеѕe types оf speakers tо provide а positive influence employees оr members of уоur organization. They сan give people tһе extra ӏіttlе push theу need tо succeed іn tһе tasks thеу һaѵе bеen assigned.

Be part of one of the most productive networking groups on the face of the planet. We are a networking group designed by speakers for speakers for the purpose of getting each other speaking more.  Join us LIVE or online.


Motivational Guest Speakers - Why Are They Beneficial For Your Employees

Ultimate Speakers Network Presents Steven Eric Connor

Ultimate Speakers Network Steven Eric ConnorSteven Eric Connor is a gifted International Relationship & Life Coach, Author and Teacher, specializing in self-awareness, healthy relationships, communication and love. For more than 26 years, Steven has been enlightening thousands of people in teaching The Science and Power of Communication. He is the founder and creator of Unconditional Self Empowerment, and the Eyes of Love.


Who is your ideal audience? Entrepreneurs, Women Business Leaders, Professional, Sales Organizations, Parents & Families, Faith Based Organizations, Coaches & Consultants


What are 3 problems you solve? Communication problems, relationship problems and overcoming judgment and fear in growing their business


What are 3 things that make you really UNIQUE? My personality, my delivery and my message


What has been your speaking experience? I began speaking publicly in 1986 within a national sales organization and volunteering for non-profit organizations.


What do you love most about speaking to audiences? Helping them discover and communicate in their authentic voice and influencing their personal and professional relationships


What would be the #1 tip you would give to other speakers? Speak from the heart


How would people connect with you?


Steven Eric Connor

Unconditional Self Empowerment

P.O. Box 72558

Phoenix, AZ 85050




Ultimate Speakers Network Presents Steven Eric Connor
Kebba Buckley Button

Kebba Buckley Button

Kebba Buckley Button is a Masters’ Degree scientist as well as an award-winning author and speaker.  A former engineering manager, she is also an advocate of both espresso and chocolate.  As a corporate stress management trainer, Kebba teaches people to trade in their stress for energy and personal peace. 

Who is your ideal audience?  Serious professionals who sometimes or often feel stressed, exhausted, and cranky

What are 3 problems you solve?  Stress-caused fatigue, brain fog, and anger

What are 3 things that make you really UNIQUE?  My techniques are easy to remember, they always work, and you can use them invisibly.

What has been your speaking experience? (if you are just starting…that is great!!) Kebba Buckley Button has spoken for many business, civic, and church groups.  Among these are: CableOne; the law firm of Brobeck, Pfleger, and Harrison; the American Association of Public Welfare Attorneys, the Presbytery of Grand Canyon; Unity of Phoenix; The Franciscan Renewal Center; the American Association of Public Welfare Attorneys; American Mensa Ltd.; American Business Women’s’ Association (ABWA); Business Networks International (BNI); Desert Christian Fellowship (Phoenix, AZ); IMPACT for Enterprising Women (Phoenix, AZ); Palo Cristi Presbyterian Church (Paradise Valley, AZ); Unity Business Network (Phoenix, AZ)

 What do you love most about speaking to audiences? Seeing their faces react as they get instant change

What would be the #1 tip you would give to other speakers? Keep on, and keep on, and keep on.

How would people connect with you?



Friday, October 11, 2013

Our first meeting we started with Appetizers and now we have a full dinner – that is progress

Our first meeting we started with Appetizers and now we have a full dinner - that is progress

The Ultimate Speakers Network invites you to come, connect and collaborate with some of the most influential speakers in the Phoenix area. You will walk away with AMAZING connections and resources.

Interested speakers can connect with other speakers in the area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking. To reserve your spot to the Phoenix chapter please visit: or

Our first meeting we started with Appetizers and now we have a full dinner – that is progress

Ultimate Speakers Network - We have ARRIVED

Ultimate Speakers Network - We have ARRIVED

This organization is designed for speakers by speakers. We help speakers at all levels. Whether you are a top paid professional or just starting to speak, this is a group where you can learn from each other and collaborate. One of the greatest joys is to watch a speaker just starting and see them get into their first speaking engagement as a result of the help from the group. This has happened many times.

Often times, we are helping accomplished speakers get onto bigger stages and land even more paid speaking engagements. Whatever your speaking goal is, the group is designed to help you get their faster through their connections and experience.

We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at Hilton Suites, 10 E. Thomas Rd., Phoenix, Az. 85012 4:00pm-6:30pm

Interested speakers can connect with other speakers in the area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking. To reserve your spot to the Phoenix chapter please visit: or

Ultimate Speakers Network - We have ARRIVED

Sabrina Gibson gets the group ready for the "Hot Topic"

Ultimate Speakers Network - Sabrina Gibson gets the group ready for the HOT Topic

Ultimate Speakers Network have a round table discussion where speakers give their inside tips and tricks to getting more gigs.

Interested speakers can connect with other speakers in the area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking. To reserve your spot to the Phoenix chapter please visit: or

Sabrina Gibson gets the group ready for the "Hot Topic"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



“Winning and What Shapes Us”


CITY, ST, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 – Many people think they are communicating when in fact, they are simply taking turns talking.   Having more than 26 years of experience in the field of communication, speaker Steven Eric Connor shows that until one connects with another, it’s an illusion to think they’re communicating – he has enlightened thousands of people in teaching The Science and Power of Communication. A gifted International Communication, Relationship & Life Coach, Author and Teacher, Steven Eric Connor specializes in self-awareness, healthy relationships, communication and love. He is the founder and creator of Unconditional Self Empowerment, and the Eyes of Love.

Steven’s presentation, Mastering the 3-Levels of Awareness shows how one’s greatest asset in life and business is effective communication.  He often speaks to groups of Entrepreneurs, Women Business Leaders, Professional Sales Organizations, Parents & Families and Faith Based Organizations teaching them how to speak one another’s communication language.

Steven’s mantra to Coaches, Consultants & Leaders is, “Define yourself based on your vision, not your history; change takes time, breakthroughs happen in an instant!”

Connor is just one of many speakers presented through the Ultimate Speakers Network, an organization that has already generated well over 300 speaking engagements for their speakers.  The Ultimate Speakers Network was designed by speakers for speakers with the purpose of generating more speaking engagements. Its purpose is creating an interactive format that naturally creates collaboration and synergy with speakers by asking speakers “What is missing in your speaking business?”

Once a month our Speaker Showcases such as this one featuring Steven Eric Connor, creates incredible exposure for speakers that allows members to present to an audience of speakers so they can be recommended for more speaking engagements.

For more information on Steven Eric Connor, visit


The Ultimate Speakers Network is a networking group designed by speakers for speakers with chapters all over the US. The Ultimate Speakers Network is for professional speakers or speakers wishing to become professionals who are looking to get more speaking engagements and increase their business.  Interested speakers can connect with other speakers in the area and gain valuable introductions to people who are booking.  To reserve your spot to the Phoenix chapter please visit: or



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Notes from Round Table Discussion "How to make money from FREE Speaking?" September 16, 2013

Notes from September 16, 2013 Meeting

Topic: How to make money from FREE Speaking?

1. Recommendation – I know someone who needs your info.

2. Selling book, product or service – Negotiate up front to send follow up info in their next email blast, newsletter, etc.

3. Send to free download (eBook) during speech

4. Register for $100 – business card to win (then you’re able to market to them)

5. Free to paid – Ticket fee to get % of ticket sales

6. Companies to sponsor you “I’d like to thank my sponsors” –buy a book for every attendee at a event

7. Bring your video (check copyright to make sure)

8. Six coupons ($500) – people come would you like to do this for free…The money is ______ – if you bring (certain amount) you get your money back.

9. Application to qualify

10. Person who books – contract states if positive, recommend to others

11. Video testimonial from person who booked and participants

12. Turn free speech into product – break it to use with consulting

13. Books/CD’s coaching products/events – programs services

14. Referral into their organization.

15. 1 min video to send to speaking engagements

16. Recurring revenue in business model

17. 90 min speak for free in exchange to promote upcoming event.

18. Speak for free & gave USB (gold key) but you need to stay until end.

Notes from Round Table Discussion "How to make money from FREE Speaking?" September 16, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Guest Speaker: Phoenix Chapter Welcomes Steven Eric Connor

Join Steven Eric Connor at the Ultimate Speakers Network on Monday, September 16, 2013 where he will share his insights on “Winning and What Shapes Us”

Guest Speaker: Phoenix Chapter Welcomes Steven Eric Connor

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Notes from Round Table Discussion "How to land speaking engagements?" August 19, 2013

Notes from Aug. 19, 2013 Speakers Group
How to land speaking engagements?

1. Pick up the phone & call the program director of association.

- Start with #1 reason of why they need your service

2. End of talk/conversation – ask them to recommend you.

3. Introduction into Meeting Planner

Will speak for free in exchange for:

- Media page

- If I succeed with standing room only I get: paid gig & 3 client referrals

Ideas to promote

- Full Life size poster

- Train at registration

- Handing out flyers

4. LinkedIn

-sending out ebooks for free

-creating great relationships

5. Create follow up strategy

-create email list

6. Get pre-speaking form –Laura Orsini will provide example

Help a reporter out

7. Google Alert

-need a speaker

-Book a speaker

-Speaker engagement

-Call to speak

8. Postcards Direct Mail Campaign

9. – keywords – twitter

10. Conference Planners

-reach out to them

-Search LinkedIn

11. X-ray the site

12. Finding out what your clients want

Notes from Round Table Discussion "How to land speaking engagements?" August 19, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Notes from Round Table Discussion July 15, 2013

Notes from July 15th, 2013 Meeting

Topic: How to be a better closer?

* Find out specifics and give them what they really want

* Creative Marketing – creative props

* Follow-up – building relationships

* WHO do you to talk to -> find out what they really want & understand more about how to help

* Be specific – anyone & everyone is not your audience

* Association meeting -> 18months to 18days – find out when

* Do what you say you are going to do & do what they ask

* Stay organized!

* Short 30 sec video with humor to decision maker

* Back up speaker – offer to be a resource

* Show up -> Collaborate -> NOW

* Respond immediately

* W.I.T. – Whatever It Takes -> Legally, Morally, Ethically

Notes from Round Table Discussion July 15, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Notes from round Table Discussion "Digital Speaking" June 17, 2013

Notes from June 17, 2013 Ultimate Speakers Network Meeting

Digital Speaking:

1. Video Marketing

2. Webinars

3. Blogs

4. Social Network – Tweet Chat/FB Shout

5. Online Chat

6. Teleminars

7. Sales page/landing page

8. Online Chat

9. Skype

10. Google Hangout

11. Voice Broadcast

Voice shot – google

12. Blog talk

13. Podcasts

14. Viral Marketing

15. Text Messages

16. Local search

17. Mobile Marketing

18. PPC

19. Retargeting


Video Marketing – What Can We Do With It?

Connect, Conversion, Content

Best things to convey:


-Be relaxed

-Stay under 1 min!!!

Intent of Video:

-Message/Content/why valuable (specific to topic i.e. Info we’re giving you – you are going to get value)

-WOW factor – fun & interesting

-Call to ACTION!

-Value Proposition

Video Background:

- Nothing distracting

- Green screen

-Relationship driven video

-Link on full video

(Connie has provided us with the link she mentioned during our discussion

Tip: In the car leaving an event send a video message about how much you enjoyed the meeting!

Video Library:

- Make a generic video that applies so it applies

Great chatting with you vs meeting you

-Make one in the dark and in the light (make it appropriate to the time you met them)

Increase Closing Rate:

30 second video

-Use for good not for evil

-have a video to send:

“Hi I’m ___, I’m really excited about our meeting. I know how valuable your time is and I appreciate you carving out time for us to meet.”

* T & R

©2013. Ultimate Speakers Network. All Rights Reserved.

Notes from round Table Discussion "Digital Speaking" June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Someone has to make sure things run smooth...


National Manager, Cherice LeForce

National Manager, Cherice LeForce of Ultimate Speakers Network hard at work making sure our Phoenix launch is a success AND it was!!!

Someone has to make sure things run smooth...

Sabrina Gibson, Founder of Ultimate Speakers Network

Opening night in Phoenix, June 15, 2013!! The Founder of Ultimate Speakers Network, Sabrina Gibson,  rockin’ it! We have lift off and it is a success!!Sabrina Gibson, Founder of Ultimate Speakers Network

Sabrina Gibson, Founder of Ultimate Speakers Network

Top Notch Video Marketing Expert Ira Rosen

Top Notch Video Marketing Expert Ira Rosen Video Marketing Expert Ira Rosen with MOJO Video Marketing giving his expert insider tips on how to dominate using digital marketing techniques…Ira’s advice, priceless!!

Top Notch Video Marketing Expert Ira Rosen